We’re so passionate about solving the misalignment between growth-minded companies and the “traditional” recruiting industry that we’ve written extensively on the topic, including this acclaimed e-book: The Recruiting Industry is Broken.
Finding a body to fill a chair in order to score a quick commission is what the traditional recruiting industry is built upon, and the reason we’re anything but “traditional.” We’re Strategic Talent Partners, committed to helping you build, develop, and optimize an amazing team to achieve your vision.
In 2011, Kurt Wilkin purchased HireBetter and began improving on the topgrading concept. He set out to evolve from the contingent recruiting model that pits recruiters against their clients. HireBetter embraced a retained recruiting model, virtually unheard of for lower middle-market companies. HireBetter’s retained model allowed them to align with their clients to match the best possible candidates for both immediate and long-term needs.
Prior to HireBetter, Kurt was the Founder and CEO of The Controller Group (TCG), a finance and accounting services firm that he and his partners founded and grew to $20 million. After a few short years, Tatum acquired the company, creating a successful exit for Kurt.
During TCG’s rapid growth, Kurt recognized firsthand that talent is THE major differentiator for entrepreneurs who are scaling their businesses. Many of his clients either didn’t have the right talent, the right individuals were in the wrong roles, or the team structure wasn’t working. While trying to meet both TCG’s and their clients’ talent needs, “contingent” recruiters clogged his desk with mismatched resumes and blew up his phone with misaligned sales pitches and a false sense of urgency for their candidates. This brought him to the realization that the recruiting industry is fundamentally broken.
From 2011 to 2015, HireBetter grew 50% each year by building a strong brand and providing topnotch client service, but something was missing. The recruiting process ran like a well-oiled machine and clients were happy, but the company wasn’t profitable. HireBetter was great at helping other entrepreneurs scale their businesses and their own growth was proof of this.
HireBetter recognized the need to deeply understand their clients’ businesses to help determine what they thought they needed, versus what they actually needed in order to scale profitably. Over the years, they had seen that throwing random bodies at a problem rarely works, it is an expensive lesson to learn and may set you back years. So they developed Strategic Talent Planning™, which is their process for building a Talent Roadmap that aligns with your strategic plans and financial forecast. In their Strategic Talent PlanningTM sessions with clients, they helped CEOs identify their best employees and often helped shift them into new roles, so the employee could focus on what they did best to create the greatest impact within the organization.
As HireBetter conducted their own Strategic Talent Planning, the solution was bringing in an Operating Partner (or “Integrator” in EOS parlance) to pair with Kurt’s “Visionary” talents. A new Chief Operating Officer removed inefficiencies and excess costs and reduced the number of employees by streamlining processes.
500 Capital of Texas Highway N
Bldg. 8, Suite #100
Austin, Texas 78746
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